
What is the Symbolism of Pixiu and How to Place it?


What is the Symbolism of Pixiu and How to Place it?

Pixiu, a mystical Chinese creature, is renowned for its auspicious qualities. It is often used as a Feng Shui remedy to attract wealth, promote harmony, and ward off negative energies. With its distinct male (Pi) and female (Xiu) forms, Pixiu holds a prominent place in Feng Shui practices, offering a range of benefits to those who incorporate it into their living spaces. In this blog, we’ll explore the symbolism behind Pixiu and share tips for optimal placement as a Feng Shui ornament.

The symbolism of Pixiu:

Safeguarding Homes:

Pixiu is revered for its ability to guard homes against negative influences and promote positive energies. When placed strategically within a household, it serves as a protective talisman that helps counteract unfavorable Feng Shui conditions, safeguarding its occupants’ well-being and inviting prosperity.

Wealth Attraction:

Pixiu is particularly favored for its capability to attract and enhance wealth. Its mystical ability to consume gold, silver, and jewels symbolizes the accumulation of riches and financial success. Individuals seeking improved financial prospects often incorporate Pixiu into their homes or workspaces to harness its auspicious energy and stimulate business endeavors.

Countering Inauspicious Energies:

Pixiu is believed to possess spiritual powers that can dispel negative influences, making it an effective tool to mitigate the adverse effects of the Chinese zodiac’s “Tai Sui” or Grand Duke Jupiter. By placing Pixiu in areas prone to bad luck or misfortune, individuals aim to transform challenging circumstances into favorable outcomes.

Feng Shui Pixiu Placement:

Facing Direction:

When positioning Pixiu, ensure that its head is not directly facing the main entrance, as this may offend the guardian deities stationed there. Instead, orient Pixiu toward other openings like windows or side doors to invite positive energy while safeguarding the primary entrance from negative forces.

Water Consideration:

While Pixiu has an affinity for water, it’s advised not to place it near fish tanks, as the symbolism of “seeing wealth turn into water” could lead to financial losses. To address Pixiu’s water association without risk, you can place a cup of clean water in front of it. However, the water level should not surpass the level of Pixiu’s head.

Living Room Placement:

The living room is an ideal location for Pixiu placement. It not only contributes to home protection but also serves as a potent wealth enhancer by attracting positive energies from all directions. If space is limited, consider placing Pixiu on the largest windowsill, ensuring its head faces outward to welcome blessings.

Bedroom Considerations:

Pixiu is not recommended for placement in bedrooms, especially facing the bed. Such positioning could drain an individual’s vital energy and disturb sleep patterns. To maintain a harmonious and restful environment, avoid placing Pixiu in spaces where you spend a significant amount of time resting.


Pixiu’s symbolism and Feng Shui significance make it a valuable addition to homes and workplaces, seeking to attract prosperity, ensure protection, and maintain a positive atmosphere. 

Applying Feng Shui principles when placing Pixiu, you can harness its positive energy to transform your surroundings and invite auspicious opportunities into your life. Whether you’re seeking financial stability, warding off negative influences, or simply embracing the cultural significance of this mythical creature, Pixiu’s presence will surely bring harmony and positive change to your space.