
Who Shouldn’t Wear Pixiu Bracelets?

fengshui bracelets

Who Shouldn’t Wear Pixiu Bracelets?

In Chinese culture, the Pixiu, often referred to as “piyao” , is a mythical creature believed to possess the power to attract wealth and protect its owner. However, not everyone is encouraged to wear this auspicious symbol. In this blog post, we will explore six groups of people who are advised against wearing Pixiu bracelets and the reasons behind these recommendations.


Pixiu is primarily associated with wealth attraction, and young children typically have modest financial needs. Additionally, Pixiu is believed to carry a strong aura, which might overwhelm a child’s delicate energy. Children’s playful and carefree nature may also lead to inadvertent damage to the Pixiu amulet. Therefore, it is recommended that children under the age of 12 avoid wearing Pixiu.

Elderly Individuals:

Similar to children, elderly individuals are considered to have weaker energy fields, making them susceptible to the potentially overpowering energy of Pixiu. It is suggested that they choose other items, such as jade Buddha pendants or protective amulets, for longevity and well-being.

Women During Menstruation and Pregnancy:

During menstruation, women’s bodies undergo a natural process of cleansing. Pixiu, on the other hand, is associated with the accumulation of wealth and has specific taboos, including the taboo of “blood.” Thus, it is advisable for women to refrain from wearing Pixiu during their menstrual periods and to remove it temporarily until their cycle concludes. Similarly, during pregnancy, when the mother’s energy and the baby’s vulnerability are factors, Pixiu is generally not recommended due to its association with fetal taboos.

Individuals with Digestive Problems:

Pixiu’s unique characteristic of only taking in wealth without releasing it makes it unsuitable for individuals with digestive issues. For those with weak stomachs or intestinal problems, wearing Pixiu may worsen their condition. It is in their best interest to avoid this symbol for the sake of their health.

People with Malicious Intentions:

Pixiu is believed to be a guardian spirit that protects its owner from negative influences and attracts good fortune. However, it is said to be fiercely opposed to those with malicious intentions. Wearing Pixiu with harmful intentions is thought to invite harm rather than protection. Therefore, it is essential to approach Pixiu with a pure heart and good intentions.

Individuals Born in the Year of the Tiger:

The debate regarding whether individuals born in the Year of the Tiger should wear Pixiu has been ongoing for quite some time. Pixiu is considered the ninth son of the dragon, and traditionally, dragons and tigers are seen as adversaries. Consequently, those born in the Year of the Tiger are advised to avoid wearing Pixiu to prevent potential conflicts or negative energy.


While wearing Pixiu feng shui bracelets like this brand fengshuibracelets.com, has good ability to bring wealth and protection, it is crucial to consider individual circumstances and energy levels when deciding to wear this mystical creature. Some people should exercise caution or avoid wearing Pixiu altogether. We hope help individuals make informed decisions regarding this powerful emblem of wealth and fortune.